AI Marketing Ethics Resources

This page is intended to serve as a “wiki” of AI marketing ethics (and AI ethics in general) resources designed to educate and inform. It includes links to AI ethics policies, guides, articles, and more.


  • AI Ethics Policies

  • AI Marketing Ethics GPT

  • AI Marketing Writing Course

  • AI Marketing Ethics Best Practice Guides

  • AI Marketing Ethics Recommended Articles

  • AI Marketing Ethics People to Follow

AI Ethics Policies

We start with the January 31, 2024 issue that discusses why businesses should develop such policies.

AI Ethics Policy Templates

Brand Policies

AI Marketing Ethics GPT

Ask any questions you have about AI marketing ethics, and the GPT will scan the web for the latest information. Try it out »

AI Marketing Writing Course

The course contains a section on AI marketing ethical challenges. Take a look »

AI Marketing Ethics Best Practice Guides

AI Marketing Ethics Articles

AI Marketing Ethics People to Follow

These individuals are influential in the fields of AI, marketing, and ethics. Following them can provide valuable insights into the ethical use of AI in marketing.

Andrew Ng

Andrew Ng is a prominent figure in AI, known for his work in machine learning and online education. He is the co-founder of Coursera and an adjunct professor at Stanford University.

Bernard Marr

Bernard Marr is a futurist, influencer, and thought leader in business and technology. He has written multiple books on AI and is a regular columnist for Forbes.

Liza Adams

Liza Adams, AI Advisor & Fractional CMO, GrowthPartners, is listed as one of 50 CMOs to Watch in 2024. Her knowledge of enterprise AI marketing is second to none. (Listen to our interview with Liza.)

Paul Roetzer

Paul Roetzer is the founder of the Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute and the creator of the Marketing Artificial Intelligence Conference (MAICON). He is also an author and a marketing AI expert.

Timnit Gebru

Timnit Gebru is a Black in AI co-founder and the founder of the Distributed AI Research Institute. She is known for her work uncovering biases in AI systems and advocating for transparency and inclusivity in AI.

Who else should we add to this list?